Elevate Roofing
Re-brand a 40-year-old commercial roofing company to reflect their core values.
Elevate, formally known as RL Craft, out of Denison, IA, needed a rebrand to complement their new name.
What's in a name?
They came to us with the new name, Elevate, but how does that relate to the branding and company values?
After much research, and keeping their values in mind, we found a passage in the bible that makes reference to elevation and mountains. Mountains are referenced over 500 times in the Bible. They have logical religious symbolism since they are “closer to God” who dwells in the heavens (as in the sky). As a result, God often reveals himself on a mountaintop in the text.
Elevate values work, commitment and honesty. On top of these traits, they have implemented values that they strive to elevate daily on both a personal and professional level.
They are God, safety, team, relationships, service, character, and “the standard.”
1. To lift, or make higher
2. To raise in rank, or status
3. To improve morally, intellectually, or culturally
4. To raise the spirits of